Last Friday, Théâtre Le Sésame came alive with Le Pays du Grand Nulle Part. A poetic and captivating journey that transported young and old into a world where imagination reigns supreme.

A huge thank you to Mafane for this incredible performance, and to our wonderful audience for joining us on this adventure! 💙 Bravo to Catherine, our Relève student, for stepping onto the stage! 🤩

👏 A special thank you to our community partners who make these moments possible: ACFOMI, FACSFLA, Les Tréteaux de Kingston, Regroupement du conte au Québec /Circuit paroles vivantes, CEPEO, CECCE et RSIFEO.

Thank you, finally, to the talented seamstresses who came to exhibit their works 👏

See you soon for more magical experiences!

A last big thank you to our partners and funders for this artistic season:

Canadian Heritage | Ontario Arts Council | Ontario Government | Fédération culturelle canadienne-francaise PassepART | Kingston Arts Council | City of Kingston | ACFO Mille-Îles | Conseil des écoles publiques de l’Est de l’Ontario | Conseil des écoles catholiques du Centre-Est | Réseau Ontario | Community Spirit Gaming Centre | Les Voyagements | Les Tréteaux de Kingston | The Kick & Push Festival | Skeleton Park Festival | Charitable Gaming Community Good | Centre franco-ontarien de folklore